
By helenann

The Snack Bowl

This afternoon we went to volunteer at the weekly drop-in meeting for Winchester GoLD members. The group has a large collection of games and jigsaws which needed sorting out, so we shared them out, played them (where we could remember the rules!)and decided which ones to keep, and which to let go of. Everyone seemed to enjoy the activity.  Martin and I collected our painted pottery which we did a few weeks ago at a volunteers' social evening. They did look a bit better having been glazed and fired, but I am only blipping my bowl because I have nothing better  for today!!
Next week, the GoLD members are having a similar pottery painting evening. I'm sure their results will be better!
Afterwards, I cycled on to see my Mother, whom I was relieved to find was wearing her new hearing aids. She was participating in a trivia quiz in the care home lounge. The residents (well, some)are extremely  knowledgeable and quick to answer. It's just my Mum's cup of tea, even though she's a bit slower to answer nowadays! Last week, activities were curtailed because there was a flu like illness  in the home, so I think  the residents were relishing the opportunity to socialise again.       

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