Busy morning at Fareshare
The warehouse is full of people- but I quickly took this when nobody was in the shot as I hadn’t asked permission. It’s the view through the door of the little cupboard (office) I work in. Against the back wall is a huge storage system for long-dated donations, though sadly at present a lot of the space is filled with trays to be returned to suppliers, and thousands of cans of fizzy drinks - which might be enjoyed, but won’t provide much nutrition.
At the front, right, is a consignment of food being picked, ready to go out on the vans tomorrow. On the work table is a list - printed out by me - and scales. Someone is halfway through. Some consignments are about 40k for small community groups or cafes. Others are up to 250k for big food banks and homelessness projects. Every week the food available is different. It looks a bit of a muddle but it works like clockwork. The staff are committed young (mostly)people working (mostly) for minimum wage. It’s a pleasure to see them every week. And the volunteers are a lovely mix of all ages, levels of education , different work experiences or none. We used to have a group of Syrian asylum seekers volunteering too. It was lovely to get to know them. Though sadly they got moved against their will out of Bristol a while ago.
Lovely 4 cousin video call in the afternoon. I’m not quite sure where the rest of the day went:)
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