Wide Wednesday
The theme is Weather with You. We have pretty good weather most of the year. We live inland so don’t get humid. We live at 670m altitude so don’t get the hot days like the inland. We aren’t high enough for bad winters (but we do get heavy frosts before sunny days). Autumn is our best season and it seems to have started early this year with cool nights and pleasant sunny days.
I’m surprised more people don’t live here because of the climate. This was obviously taken while I was hanging out the clothes. 21 degrees C
My planned physio appointment was postponed for some reason. It isn’t urgent so I can wait a bit longer.
Book Review: The Fiance Dilema by Elena Armas. Not recommended. Silly story with unreal characters. I skipped through it as it wasn’t worth wasting time over. Now onto It Starts with Us which follows It Ends with Us (yes in that order) by Colleen Hoover.
Wordle in 5, Connections yes! Now I have a run of 2 correct. Also I finished a Logic Problem which took 2 days to work out. I’ll put it in the extras.
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