Living my dream

By Mima

I do love Blip

The stars, hearts and - above all - the comments that I have received over the last few days have warmed the cockles of my heart. Thank you so much. 

The worst of the BPPV seems to have passed thank goodness. The Epley Manoeuvre three times a day is helping. Thank you Dr. John Epley. 

I am left with a slightly out of body sensation not dissimilar to the after effects of a puff on a mild joint (not that I've experienced one of those for a few decades). I'm not game to do anything which involves being head-down/bum-up, so weeding is off the agenda (so sad about that!). And I have picked courgettes sitting on my bottom today.

And I am generally a bit washed out. Sleep is log-like. The doctor thinks I'll be back to normal in a few days.

However I have decided to not to enter anything in this weekend's A&P Show. I am not up to a dawn-to-dusk effort tomorrow, followed by a frantic first two hours on Friday. 

Friends have offered to help me with the entries, but that would require just as much organisation (or possibly more) as doing it myself. 

The Show is a fun event. Doing it when I'm less than 100% has the potential to be miserable. 

It will be there next year. And as several of you have pointed out, it gives other people the chance to win. So I think of it as a magnanimous gesture, not in the least bit patronising or supercilious !!

During a delightful long video call with brother #2 this morning I learnt that he too suffers from BPPV, albeit mildly. He has never bothered a doctor about it and had no idea what it was. There is a lot of it about. He is now armed with knowledge about Epley and seems to be looking forward to the next episode so that he can try it out.

So my Blip friends, life is gradually getting back to what passes as normal Chez M&B. 

Nurse Bean should be off duty quite soon. She has been super-attentive at times, including jumping on me when I was Epleying this morning.

The sun has been out all day, although we are currently under a Severe Thunderstorm Watch. So far the activity has skirted to our south. I'll be happy if the diameter 20mm or larger hailstones decide to fall elsewhere - or preferably not at all.

Aha, Bean has just arrived to inform me that it is time for her heart medication. For once her stomach clock is accurate (and not 60 minutes fast).

Toodlepip Blippers...

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