Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

PLaying with shadows

It was very cold this morning. I had a medication review with a GP at 0840 and I was glad of my gloves and hat.

That went well. I continue to be pleased that I changed to a different GP practice. Today there was reasoned discussion and recommendations.

I did a quick shop at Aldi, including food for Julie who is determined to go home tomorrow. I do understand that. It's always nice to get back to your own place. I filled up with petrol and had the car washed, just before the snow fell. It came to nothing much. "Too cold for snow", Mum would have said.

I was out to Hexham again at lunchtime. This was to accompany Margret for her review in the Stroke Clinic. The consultant was excellent. She took time, listened and was empathic about Margret's struggles.

For my blip, I photographed the first daffodil in today's bunch to flower. The shadows are intriguing. On the right, there is a convincing shadow. On the left, a multiple shadow looks as though it is from a double daffodil.

I decided to go for a high key, mono finish.

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