
By Grammy


The wind has been fierce again today. I filled all the bird feeders to give the birdies some needed energy. While we were gone, they had emptied three suet holders and 9 feeders. There was a scant amount left in the biggest receptacle. I noticed this afternoon that they are slowly returning but none stayed long enough to become my blip. I braved the cold again later (after my hands warmed up) and walked the property to see if we had any spring blooms. Nothing. But the bare trunk of this crepe myrtle tree peaked my interest. The color patterns are quite beautiful. When spring brings moderate temps, I will clean up all the shedded bark in and around the tree. We cleaned the kitchen after breakfast. I kept up with my sister’s journey back to MD. They’ve had ice, snow, and wind, making the first part of their journey slow and frightening. Will be relieved to hear they are home safely. Isla is still feeling rotten. Lauren uses the nebulizer to help her air flow. I’ve added her to our national prayer chain; hope a speedy recovery is in the Lord’s plan. Hubby is running errands. The weather forecasters are still up in the air on the amount of snow coming our way later this week. I inventoried our cabinets and gave him a list of staples to get in case the storm makes getting to the store risky. He will eventually pick up a steak and cheese sub for my dinner. We had $5.00 coupons that are ready to expire. Otherwise, we should have a quiet evening. Wishing you serenity. Stay safe. Thanks for your visit. "In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they're still beautiful."
- Alice Walker

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