Because she cycles to work, does some outside work and spends a lot of leisure time outdoors Kat needs to regularly proof her gear.
We are away next week with Clickychick having an event in Harrogate. I will be spending the week visiting various nature reserves. Knowing what the weather an be like in late February I wanted to be sure my gear would stand up to anything thrown at it. So I consulted tech support Edinburgh (Kat) and she advised these products having had success with them.
OK it is an emergency blip. It was the village Social Club this afternoon so I knew I would have little or no chance to blip there. We had a slow late morning so it was a case of snap something. The speaker at the club was fascinating. He was the owner of the Leo Group who have a rendering plant just outside town. What a revelation. I had assumed it was some kind of modern "Knackers yard". Wrong! Yes it renders animal product but they have all come from animals passed as fit for human consumption. What we don't eat they dispose of. Their products are at out plant protein powders that are exported round the world for animal feed and oils that are made into SAF (sustainable Aviation Fuel). The group deals with 48% of the UK animal waste.
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