
By Incredibish

Bird onna stick...

A cold morning for a motorcycle ride but I took Morrigan down the road to visit my Clerk's husband. Even that few miles was educational - I shall wear the heated gloves next time! Cold doesn't seem to bother this wren, and they simply puffed up their feathers and got on with it.

My Clerk is improving, and managed to whisper to her husband that she was bored already... good news, although I doubt she'll be picking up the workload any time soon. Today was defibrillator inspections! Every day a school day...

I have to say this whole thing continues to be stressful, and a regular lack of sleep is beginning to impact my day. Today I topped off the power steering oil in Mollie camper van and dropped the filler cap deep into the internals, where it's currently hiding... sigh. I think I need a few days away.

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