Snowmageddon can’t stop soundpainting
That must be a metaphor for something: the power of art is unstoppable or something. I was thinking of this as I watched Mrs. Ottawacker and Ottawacker Jr. shovelling the overnight snow (amidst the thickly falling flakes) and then traipsing off towards the National Arts Centre for the second day of the Big Bang Festival. When all this is over, when the dust has settled on the egregious cruelty of the United States, when the truth comes out about all of the intentions and greed, when the price has been paid, what will be left? Normally, I’d say something trite about the “power of goodness” or the “power of art”, but the truth is, I just don’t know. The fight needs to happen now, not at some undefinable time in the future. Because what is happening now, driven by corporate and personal greed, has the power to destroy us all. What Trump and his acolytes are doing will roll back environmental and social advances of the entire western world. People like Orban and Poilievre and Badenoch/Farage and AfD and Bardella/Le Pen and all of the other Cruella De Vil tribute acts are standing in the wings, watching, waiting. No time to waffle or stand idly by; the revolution is happening now and it is being televised. You’re either against it – or for it. It's amazing what you can think as you watch your loved ones disappearing down the road into a milky-white vanishing point.
Resolved to try and make a difference in some small way, I started the novel again. Not sure it will help – but it is something.
And here is something else: for those in Ontario, here are the platforms of the four main parties in the upcoming election:
FFS, vote.
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