
By Tryfan46

Fine collection of fungi

I’m sure you’ll tell me what it is?

The day began unpromisingly with that lowering cloud and cold. Much to our surprise the sun came out, weakly at first, then with much more ambition as the morning progressed.

It was a pleasant walk around the country lanes to the south of Maidstone, an area we’ve not walked since last summer. The wind remained cold.

Lots of jobs this afternoon. The more we do, the more appear.

Pleased you liked yesterday’s steamy blip. I shall miss the KESR. All is not lost. I shall do enough turns to keep my competency for this year. And many volunteers visit the railway for an annual holiday which is what may happen. And who knows, depending on where we fetch up, it might be near a heritage railway in need of a signalman!

I have at least 240 blip entries for the KESR, if you’re at a loose end, try typing @tryfan46#kesr into the search function.

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