Not a lot left
Today we have roast pork for dinner, and as ever I get the crackling done before the joint goes to slow roast for the tastiest meat.
The down side is that the cracking rarely makes through to dinner time. Today Mrs W got in early as well as me . . .
A very quick and dirty snapshot checking out both a new SD card, and the GPS setup with the camera and smartphone. Both appear to be working properly. The GPS will be very useful when we take our Norwegian Fjords trip later this year.
Booked the FNDG remainers group in for dinner at the Bull. The little group have not met since the start of the pandemic so we thought we would have a get together. We are only about two thirds strong now. We would have liked a Friday as that was our night at the Bull, but Leo can’t do gluten free as he only does ‘Friday Fish and Chips Night’.
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