I did take pictures, but I like this one that Lisa took better. To keep from being a total cheat I put one of mine in the extras. Downtown Baltimore.
I ate some Portuguese treats with my friends with the baby. Then a friend in Baltimore fed me, which was very healing, and then took me to an “Early Music” concert that accompanied a hysterical showing of Callisto.
She is so happy with the video I made of her throwing things that she’s been showing it to people and enjoying their reactions. I didn’t show her throwing things and then missing so everyone is amazed at how good she is.
One of the pictures I took of her has her thrilled. She looks great. She’s glowing. She said this was one of the worst days, she’d felt like she’d been beat up, she was miserable, and then I go in and do all the work and even though I was going through my own stuff (work, people were going to get fired) I made the entire afternoon about her, and then she has this picture where she looks terrific. She said she realized she’d been “Gwenned.” HOW AWESOME IS THAT???
Hope you are sleeping well
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