
By PaulaJ


This is our neighbour at the house opposite with our local tree man. They will be talking about and trying to solve an ongoing dilemma she has - what to do about the holly.

This holly bush/tree is now huge. I have blipped it before, as in November it is full of berries. It is a ‘village treasure’ and the name of the house. But she doesn’t like it!

Our neighbour is very keen on helping wildlife and she knows that so many birds are dependent on the holly berries . . . but she is also a very keen gardener, especially vegetable gardening and gardening for wildlife. And the holly shades her garden quite dramatically, as you can imagine.

It’s a dilemma that she has talked about on several occasions. I think she would like to see it gone, but hates cutting anything down and knows that she can’t do that. But something has to be done. Maybe today they have come to some compromise.

Today has been what you might call a white sky day.

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