Sixteen books

As an obsessive book (and book prize) lover, I could not let this day go by without recording it. Today the longlist for the inaugural Women’s Prize for Non-Fiction has been announced and this is it. What a huge range of topics, I am impressed. If you are at all interested it is worth looking at the Women’s Prize for Non-Fiction website for details of each book.

I read very little non-fiction, and don’t take much notice of what is being published, so I knew none of these books and didn’t expect to, so it was quite exciting to see what had been selected. I have no intention of trying to read these books and that is in common with most readers. But some of us have decided to choose at least one that we are interested in and then share the reading experience.

The book I have chosen is one that I was immediately drawn to and that is ‘The Dictionary People’ by Sarah Ogilvie, which seems to be a record of all the unsung heroes who created the Oxford English Dictionary. Sounds fascinating. Well I think so anyway.

The only other exciting thing that happened on a pretty dull, damp day was getting photos from our daughter. They are in Bali and having a wonderful time in the sun. In the next day or so they head for New Zealand to stay with friends.

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