That Will Do!

By flumgummery

Musselburgh Lagoons

First thing this morning we bussed into town to take advantage of a sale and I was surprisingly successful - new lightweight hiking boots (in my size!) for a song. Celebration coffee in Waterstones.

Straight back home to pick up the car and head off to  Cameron Toll - more success - and then for some fresh air at the boating pond in the Musselburgh Lagoons. This is because we could park close to the view as my knee is still not working properly and can't walk far.

As the photo shows, the dreary weather has brightened up and people were out walking dogs (one threw a ball into the water for the dog to retrieve - main photo) and birdlife was evident in a pair of swans, tufted duck and a large flock of wigeon (extra, heavily cropped). However, bright the light, the temperature was cold - something like 4°C with a cold breeze.

So we pottered home for a rather late lunch and various household activities. Oh, and a start to break in the new boots.

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