It was Fun with Flumlet day and he came armed with samples of the sushi he made at a class yesterday, and which we served at lunch time. I knew next to nothing about the dish but learned a great deal from him. We left enough to take home for tea.
We tackled more tie-dyeing, held over from the summer holidays; we won't see the results until the dye has been left for several hours, then washed and dried but I think he'll be pleased with the result.
Later on he requested use of the glue gun to make items for his friends - who knew that several layers of glue could make a snake? Unfortunately, to change colour one must run off all the one in the gun so he piled each onto the last, resulting in the natty little figure in the extra photo. He'll reside in the display cabinet as a reminder of the fun we had.
Now back from choir, rather tired so comments tomorrow. Nighty night all.
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