The Pensioner

By Pensioner

King Tuts

Through to that Glasgow for a gig, and to stay the night. A cold cold wind round those streets. After a bite at AB1 we hared up St Vincent St to King Tuts. Blimey, mobbed already - a sell out. For who was in town but the (only, geddit?) one and only Peter Perrett. Whooo hooo! And once we’d pushed ourselves through the crowd we found AE and his pal - and the SK was able to elevate herself on a bench above us so she was well happy. So I was well happy. And what a terrific gig. Hey, he might be getting on, and may not have always looked after himself (ahem), but he didn’t need any words on a lectern or nuthin, no. Forty seven years since I last saw him. And we’re all still here.

I forgot! Before we sped to Glasgow, we had an event to take in...Where are we? How do we relate to each other now? How do we orientate and anchor ourselves in this tumultuous moment?  
Yes that was the teaser.

Every 13 minutes, a small group of audience members will enter a kind of labyrinth in the Fruitmarket Warehouse. They will be guided through a series of experimental, intimate, and highly interactive encounters – each distinct, yet each adding to an appreciation of the whole. 
Audience members should be aware that the performance involves direct, sometimes physical interaction with performers, with elements of surprise or moments where senses may be heightened. Engages with adult themes....

Actually, it really was pretty good. That was a surprise, right enough

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