
By Skysea7

Update on lost/found cat

I can’t show more photos of the cat I posted about in my last blip because I didn’t take.the new photos - the owner did!

I posted the cat on Facebook and found the owners. Their cat Shadow had been missing since last November! Shadow has unusual markings and my photos and their photos matched exactly. I managed to get Shadow into a basket yesterday and the owners came and collected her. They’ve sent me photos of one happy cat back home.

The blip is just pics from my garden taken today. I am still stuck waiting for test results from the hospital so no updates on my ‘acute kidney injury’ yet. I’ve been asked to have a phone appt with my GP this Friday but Reception don’t know why he wants to talk to me. I did request an urgent appointment with my diabetic nurse so she could offer alternatives to the Metformin iI’ve been told to stop taking, but they can only offer Feb 20th. In the meantime my glucose levels are behaving like a roller coaster. I’m expected to ‘wait and see’ how I get on without Metformin before they decide on any alternatives. That’s their excuse for not giving me an earlier appointment.

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