Iron balls
Rather a dull day, not very exciting! Indoor stuff this morning, but this afternoon was one of the fortnightly meetings of the u3a Creative Writing Group.
I was picked up at lunchtime and we drove down through Gallanach where the meeting was being held in a member's house. Only three of us this time, due to illness, holidays and whatever else.
We each read out the pieces we'd written - we can do anything at all - and then later our hostess revealed the Mystery Object which we have ten minutes to write about, making up anything we like! Quite hilarious - and ten minutes isn't long to do the job as there's just no time to think about it!
Today's Mystery Object, and my Blip, turned out to be a Chinese box of two Baoding Iron Balls, first developed in the Ming Dynasty. It's "a treasure necessary for the aged to build up physical strength and remove diseases." Maybe I need to buy a set!
Quote of the Day: 'If a medicine does not raise a commotion in the patient the disease will not be cured by it.' - Shu Ching.
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