Mummy hazelh letter archive
Today while I was waiting for my work computer to complete the slowest software update that I have ever experienced, I poked around in a box of old letters that I 'rescued' from the attic at my mother's house last year. In the early 1980s I saved every letter that my parents (mainly my mother) sent to me after I left home. It was fun to read her first impressions of my (now) brother-in-law (Paddy's father) as talkative and someone that I would like, and to hear that my middle sister (Paddy's mother, then 17), wanted to have a baby because she had fallen in love with our newest cousin Edwina.
It also struck me that I could perhaps entertain Mummy hazelh with these letters by reading them out loud to her when I visit her in her care home. I'm thinking of putting them in order and taking them to Newcastle in batches. I also have all the letters that I wrote home myself. These are already ordered in a file. I could even integrate the two series of correspondence and present the content as a family soap opera of sorts...
When my computer finally came back to life, I settled down to some 'proper' work. I responded by email to one of my former students who asked me to review a 63-page report and suggest a strategy for disseminating her ideas further. I also contacted the first author of a journal article that I said I would look at after my cataract operation. Then I started a letter to Deborah.
Bella is in Edinburgh tonight. She came over for supper (paella), to play Catan (won by Mr hazelh), and to watch the Monday night quizzes with us.
Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike.
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