Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Don’t think twice…

Today was the only suitable day for me to go to the movies again - yes - the Bob Dylan one!! I have never gone to see a movie twice. Oh, except ‘A Hard Day’s Night’ at the height of (my) Beatlemania.

Loved it again. But if you’re not a fan of Dylan’s (early) music - don’t go, because there’s lots of it! On the way out I was chatting to a chap (who had clapped enthusiastically at the end) and mentioned that it was my second visit, and he said, ‘Me too!’ JR is going again too, with Chrissy, on Wednesday

And I discovered my new favourite place for a snack. Right below the cinema complex - Wetherspoons! It’s perfect - NO muzak and big servings. I had a beer, and accidentally got a ‘large’ plate of chips which I think is intended for a crowd. No worries - I managed to finish them…

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