Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands


This only photo on my camera roll that I took today. I've noticed that I've been drinking a lot of coffee at the moment, and it's probably down to the number of early starts we have. It's the second week since Little Man started going to nursery four mornings. I'm not a morning person and find it challenging to get out of bed when my alarms go off. I often have at least three alarms set to ensure I actually get up on time to get us out the door.

Today, Little Man had nursery, so I dropped him off and then biked to the outskirts of Woerden to do a spot of shopping and get some more smokes. I really enjoyed the bike, but had cold hands and feet by the time I got back. I made a coffee for myself and did a few things before I needed to head out to collect Little Man.

We had a lovely, quiet afternoon at home, it's been pretty overcast and we had some rain but it didn't last long. So we stayed home.

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