
By TonyG

Spotty Dotty

A double kiln unloading was possible when I dropped into pottery this afternoon intending to just drop off a few bits that had dried at home.   With a vested interest in both kilns I sought and got permission to empty them.   Happy results for all in the glaze kiln btu unfortunately a couple of large pieces in the bisque firing (not my pieces) had exploded at the base so I had some clearing up to do as well.  This can happen if the clay has retained any moisture or has an air bubble in it.   Thick, heavy pieces are more prone to this.  They can look absolutely dry but have hidden pockets of moisture.  I had several very nice results in the glaze firing, above is the spotty piece I showed a few days ago part way through glazing.   

A very late start as I had been up until nearly 3am supporting Ruth, remotely, as she took Timmy cat to the emergency vets.  It didn't look good and although he's home with her now, he's a very old and frail little man.   I have a bag backed in case I need to go over to help - I'd probably be there now but I'd have to take both dogs with me which is less than ideal at the moment.  Finger crossed he pull through.   

So, it's been a quiet day.  A long walk for Meg before lunch about the most active I've been all day.   I did rustle up a tasty lasagne for my tea having found a portion of bolognese in the freezer and have done some photo sorting this evening.  Hoping for an uneventful night and a long sleep.

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