The water was 3° which was warmer than the air temp. With the wind it was about -9. It really cuts through you and hurts your face…well any exposed skin really, so when we took our coats off to get in the water it was like stepping into an ice age!
Val, Victoria, Julie and I were in the 25m swim. It doesn’t seem like much but we were extremely nervous. We got ready in the changing tent then were called to the warm bus where we waited to be called for our race. We were introduced then it was…”Take your clothes off!” We had 5 seconds, then…”Get in the water!” One hand had to stay on the ladder and one shoulder under within 5 seconds before…Go!
I can’t believe how I just stepped down the ladder and in then I was off. No gloves were allowed and my hands hurt but, oh my goodness I was elated afterwards. I now know I will be alright in the 50m race (I hope). Val, Julie and I went straight into the sauna… was heaven.
Dave swam 100m and won his race easily. He won gold in his age group. Amy was phenomenal as she swam the ‘Winter Beast’…1k. I don’t know how she managed 40 lengths, but she is a beautiful swimmer to watch and easily won her race. In fact she got a silver medal, the gold was won by the World Champion so it was an incredible result.
Val, Val’s daughter, Julie, Amy, Victoria and I ate out tonight. Lovely food and lovely company.
Tomorrow I have three events….eeek!
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