Classic Bourton
We're popping down to Cornwall next week so I didn't arrange our now regular Saturday morning Ocado delivery. Instead I've been to the Bourton Co-op to get a few things to see us through the next few days. I don't mind doing an occasional small in-person shop, but I wouldn't want to go back to the days of a big supermarket expedition.
It's been a bit of a murky day but I did wander into the village to see what I could find for a blip. You don't often see a busker there. This one was playing classical stuff. He had a dog too which probably guarantees more dosh. I would have got closer for the shot but I didn't have any cash on me and I don't like to take shots of buskers without donating something (update - just found what I thought I had down the side of the sofa cushions). I should have brought a different lens :-)
One year ago:
I Believe In The Best
I just booked the Witney guy to do a talk at Cirencester next season. I've got nearly all the speakers I need now, just two to sort out. Then I can worry about what we do on the other nights.
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