Narcissi from the market
This morning I met Little Sis in town for a coffee and gossip session. It was lovely to see her and, as a CAB volunteer, she was very helpful with one of my problems. It feels good to have some support.
On my way home I bought a bunch of tiny narcissi from the market, of which this in one stem. It's been a very long time since I've done anything much in the way of still lifes. Even when I was working I disliked doing them - all that bending over a tripod and table. Argh, backache! However, with all this gloomy, wet, cold weather (blimey, doesn't she moan) I decided I should just get over it so have today set up a corner of a room as a permanent still life 'studio'. I think it's worked quite well here.
And that's kind of been my day.
Will turn my comments back on again soon, promise. Meanwhile thank you for your patience, your stars and your very kind hearts - and have a lovely evening xx
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