Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos


This morning I completely forgot about a coffee meet with someone (I never do that but I checked and hadn't put it into my diary but we had arranged it when I was in Sydney  so I wonder if that is what put me off.) Anyhoo, it was action stations after we rescheduled and I got out into the garden and did about 3 hours solid work including trimming, weeding, mowing, pruning, repotting the tube stock I bought and some other potted plants and watering.  Another day in the 30Cs and after 3 hours or so in the middle of the day, I came in exhausted and smelling like the creature from the black lagoon (I know I am getting my sense of smell back because even I could smell myself).  A coldish shower restored me a bit and then I got my nose into my book.  I was blissfully deep in the book when Maggy put her head on my lap reminding me that I hadn't fed her.  I generally feed her her evening meal somewhere between 5.30 and 6.30 pm.  Horrors, it was nearly 7pm.  So I got her dinner ready and took this shot of her just before she was fed.  She is all pavlovian here dripping drooly bits.   Dinner may I say was scoffed.

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