My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu

Birthday bowling

It wasn't quite how I planned to spend my birthday originally but, with Owen's adventures over the weekend, we decided not to send him to school in case he knocked his ear. Instead, he got to spend an exciting morning with me going into town for an eye test and a haircut although we did forego the mooch around the shops and lunchtime drink somewhere though.

Before all that excitement though, I did still get very spoilt with birthday breakfast and presents in bed and then, once Louisa had finished work, we all went out for a bowling treat (including family photo) with Aaron winning. Owen managed about 5 bowls before being more interested in eating and letting Aaron take his turn...I claimed the moral victory though being the only one not using the bumpers. We had a blast around the arcade, and a game of pool between Aaron and me (I won this time) before home for pizza.

Not quite as planned but a still a good way to spend a birthday. 

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