
By JennyOwen

Good times with Frieda

Today Frieda opted to come back to our house after school, rather than go to the regular Thursday dance class. This was a real bonus for us: some quiet playtime together, which rarely happens these days.  Making faces with biscuits, and then slowly demolishing them... I also remembered some old Playmobil sets that I'd packed away some time ago. Building miniature worlds is a Frieda favourite.  She made an animal park and an adjoining animal hospital, and spent happy times taking the various animals through their routines.
All in all, it was a welcome escape from the daily onslaught of dreadful news, as the ripples continue to spread from Trump's various acts of domestic and international destruction.
Later Richard and I indulged in more escapism, watching a Belgian thriller on TV (via the excellent 'Walter Presents' platform on Channel 4). It's 'The Day', the story of an attempted bank heist.  The plot is full of satisfying twists and turns, and it all moves slowly, full of tension and detail.

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