What a day. Little Man had nursery this morning, but didn't make it to the end of the morning as we'd had a rough night and he was exhausted. He slept for over three hours after lunch. Little Man rarely sleeps in the afternoons and it only happens when he's exhausted.
We went for a walk when Little Man got up. It did us both good as the last few days have been a bit of a rollercoaster for me emotionally and Little Man has felt it (more on this later on in this entry). We had dinner with Marije and her boys. Marije lives just round the corner from us. It was lovely.
The cause of drama over the last few days has been caused by two things. My British phone contract and my bike.
I've been trying to sort out my English SIM card and phone contract. I had to make sure my SIM is actually going to be terminated at the end of the 30 day period instead of re-activated. This is because I'm not going to change phone providers, because I don't live in the UK anymore. My ex-husband and I had our phones contracts on the same account and it's been a headache trying to figure the policy out in regards to splitting the contracts. It didn't work the way I'd hoped. Anyway, it's sorted out now, but with no word from my ex-husband on the matter (I've been letting him know what's been happening).
Another piece of good news is that my bike tyres have been sorted out! The valves have a little screw that needs loosened before you can pump it up. My dad told me but I completely forgot that. So a lot of drama about something so small. Caleb called and was able to help me get it sorted out.
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