
By MerrilHope

Fun fun fun

Contrary to the weather forecast, today was mild and sunny and it felt warm and wonderful to be out and about. The flooring men arrived at 8am mostly to fix room dividers now that the sanding and sealing is finished (extra), and move the heavy furniture back in situe for me. They were done by 9.30 and Rufus and I were in the park by 10am where we stayed and played until 12.45.  Fun time included playing manic zoomies with Connie (today's collage) for at least twenty minutes whilst Connie's "mum" and I watched and chatted.  The two dogs have played together several times before and I love to watch my boy enjoy himself so very, very much.

This afternoon I started the tedious chore of putting everything back where it belongs - but made very little progress as I'm also sorting and culling my collection of glasses, ornaments, and several gemerations of china and bric a brac.  Fortunately my niece arrived at 5pm so I was able to stop - but the kitchen still looks like a train wreck and I am overwhelmed with 'stuff' and what to do with it - especially the miscellaneous 'heirlooms' that my brother's kids will never want.

By 7.30 I was in the Two Brewers pub in Chelmsford for the February monthly meeting of book club. There were a dozen of us and the conversation was erudite and entertaining. Today's book for discussion was 'Yiddish Policeman's Union' by Michael Chabon. Generally, people found it hard work but worth the effort. An interesting scenario and but rather too many descriptive moments - the author is very fond of similes and at times I found the story hard to follow (I listened on Audible) but he is certainly a master wordsmith with a distinctive style.

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