Look out

Very cold, very windy, very uninteresting day, the highlight of which was watching the woofer stare up this tree waiting for a squirrel to manifest and run down the trunk to play.  The intermittent sun and blue skies completely disappeared by lunchtime to leave only the keen wind and low temperatures behind. I'm tired of being continually cold.  Did a large grocery shop in Asda this afternoon when feeling very hungry.  Big mistake. I have bought enough food to stay indoors for a month - if I didn't have a woofer who needs to go squirrel hunting...... 

The breaking news from Buckingham Palace this evening was very unwelcome as well as unexpected. It seems the Royal family's difficulties of the last couple of years must prevail at least a while longer - I wish his Majesty a full recovery and the whole family the strength to cope. 

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