Chocolate Orange!

Hi everyone!

Today I woke up at 10AM - really early for me! I got ready for the day, and we left for the ice-skating rink about 11:15, to try and aim to get there for 12. Hannah (Who is actually a year older than me! text me to say she was going to be late, along with the three other people she was with.

We eventually arrived at the rink about 12:20, after getting lost. One of my friends, Gavin, was already there. Then we discovered something. The rink didn't open till 2:20!

Then, we had to pick Hannah and the others up after they got lost. By 2:45, we were finally all together! We just walked around and found a shop to buy some food. After that, we just hung around until it opened.

Now, I haven't been ice-skating in about 8-9 years, and that time, I did terribly. When I struggled to walk 2 steps on dry ground without wobbling and yelping, there wasn't much hope. Despite this, I shuffled round the side of the rink, wobbling and yelping the whole way, much to the amusement of the other guests. Eventually, my friends (and Craig, to a certain extent), started to help me. Hannah took one of my arms, and slowly but surely, I started getting round without holding on to the wall. Near the end, I was able to go a fair distance at a reasonable speed without holding on to the side!

After this, we walked around to find somewhere to eat. We found a chip shop - Hannah has Colieac disease (she can't have gluten), and one of the boys felt ill, so they didn't want anything. I didn't either - I didn't really want deep-fried food. Me and Hannah turned around to look out the window, just in time to catch the ill boy (Martin) throwing up. We both turned away - we can't stand that sort of sight!

After making sure he was ok, we walked with him to the bus stop. I was also feeling really ill at this point, so I took a walk to find somewhere to get a drink. Hannah came with me to get some gluten-free food! It was about 5:30 at this time, and we'd already been out for about 40 minutes. Two buses, 15 minutes apart, drove straight past Martin. I phoned my Dad so me and Craig could go home. When it got to about 6, there was still no bus, and the rest of the group wanted to do something, so I said goodbye there, and went to wait for my Dad.

When I got home, they'd got us a chocolate-orange (Orange flavoured chocolate, not a chocolate coated orange - that would be disgusting!) As a sort-of well done present, as this is the first 'social' event I've had all year, I think.

Anyway, all-in-all, it's been a great day, and I can't wait for next time!

Have a good Sunday!

Steven :)

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