This is why I can't sleep

Hi everyone!

So for the past week or so, I've been struggling to get to sleep more than usual. I decided I'd make a list, and see if that out my mind to rest. As you can see by the time in the corner of this picture, it didn't work -_-

Tomorrow is the day I'll be meeting up with some friends from holiday. There will be 6 of us in total (The twins informed us today that they can't come, as they got in trouble with their Mum), and Craig's been told he can come. I have mixed feelings about that, as he did get friendly with a couple of them, but at the same time, I have been around him every waking hour of almost every single day since we got back, and I need some time away from him! Also, I really don't want to have to be looking after him on my only day out of the year so far!

We're going ice skating, then we're gonna head into Edinburgh and spend the day there. The fringe festival is on (a thing Edinburgh where there's literally hundreds of different types of shows on each day(I've never been before though, so I don't know what it's like)). I'm really looking forward to it!

Have a good weekend!

Steven :)

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