Marxist serpents
Also, a bunch of worms.
Kind of fun to be insulted in public.
This picture was taken by my friend who is in Portugal right now.
The only picture I took today was of the plane ticket I used to get from DC to Frankfurt back on August 30 when I went to Namibia. There have been glitches in the system and I still haven’t been reimbursed and yes, it is for a lot. Something got in the system wrong and we’re going to have to start all over again. Someone in South Africa has to put information in the system and start everything all up all over again.
Unfortunately, I probably won’t be able to get in the system tomorrow because Trump is putting everyone left on Admin Leave tonight. I have messages flashing on my iPad today as different people let us know they have gotten their letter. It is too much. I just changed the setting so I won’t get notifications from that app.
This is a huge improvement. Everyone else who has been put on administrative leave figured it out because they couldn’t get into their email.
Even if I can get into the system tomorrow, and redo the entire travel reimbursement form, I still wouldn’t get paid because the new overlords decided that stopping all foreign assistance also meant not reimbursing people for their travel expenses.
Ukrainian Su-27s start using a 454 kg guided bomb. This is about twice the big bombs they’ve already been using and it was probably developed specifically for Ukraine’s Air Force. The new model might be 1000 pounds. That sounds like a bunch of letters and numbers and is just generally boring.
Ukraine’s Air Force hit a Russian command post in the Kursk and caused a lot of damage without a lot of risk to the civilians.
Ukraine has a “I Want to Find” project. There have been 60,000 inquiries about missing Russian soldiers. There has been a steady increase in inquiries.
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