
By H22

Place: Ashburn, VA 32/59
Main activity: Tues - errands, around the house
Notes: Didn't sleep great again, was up for awhile in the middle of the night. Headed out in the morning for Trader Joe's - this one is designed a bit diff'ly in the produce section! Got a few things and then on to Total Wine - smallest and yuckiest feeling one I've ever been in (and then forgot to use my $2 coupon - kicking myself). Decided to skip the Costco chaos and came back to the nearby Whole Foods, got a few things but the one main thing I was going for they were out of ... stores around here are just not great! Got back and made my coffee and put together the carnivore bread recipe w/ eggs, cream cheese and butter - puffed up too high in the new toaster oven and stuck to the top (not good!). Made a matcha green tea latte (w/ heavy cream) and talked to Susan briefly and realized the Gabber didn't have the newest Poppy ad so called the guy to see if he could still get it in and then sent it off to him right away. Online for awhile then going thru a bunch of different stuff. Quiet rest of the day, watched some YouTube vids on pickleball - how to hit, common mistakes. Took my shower mid afternoon, made eggs w/ the leftover ground beef and had a piece of the egg "bread" - isn't any better than any other version I've tried. Watched some shows in the evening.

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