Man at Work
It must have been something I said when Blipper EcoDad and I met for an afternoon tea this afternoon.
Whenever we meet up we always have an interesting conversation, today ranging widely from bee keeping to cold water swimming and everything else in between. He has suggested joining the BlueTits on Thursday morning as an honorary BlueBall. I await his final decision.
Before that, I was the first customer in the white goods kitchen department of John Lewis this morning, finally splashing the cash on a new, simple but still pricey washing machine. I hope that this one will see me out, as they say! I have arranged for someone to come and fit it and take away the old one. It’s a bit ridiculous but I will be quite sad to see the old one go - it’s been a faithful inanimate member of the family for almost 15 years. Before the men come on Saturday, I have a bit of work to do to empty the utility cupboard to allow access to all the connection gubbins.
The balconists were back again, working Monday and Tuesday, an unheard of event. Although they were working on the neighbouring building I commandeered their attention to my leaky down pipe which was taking no prisoners with the morning’s rain. Apparently the Dower House old iron pipe did not appreciate the disturbance going on above and the leaking joint with have to be puttied…… but not today. I asked and got them to put a pail under the leak so at least the corner of the patio will have a chance to dry out. Even renovated listed buildings do not like to be disturbed.
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