
Quick recap of yesterday's cultural activities, I'm a firm believer in word of mouth when it comes to all this festival and fringe business so here goes. Out and about with leasko from mid-afternoon, first port of call being the Underbelly for a play I wanted to see, The Islanders, mainly because it all looked a bit lo-fi indie and had Eddie Argos from the band Art Brut performing in it. I liked it, but didn't love it. It had charm tho' and that goes a long way in my book. Decided over a pint and a look through the programme that Sean Hughes might be worth a punt, especially at a preview price. Turned out to be a good choice, he was actually rather excellent. Bit steep at your £15 full-price I reckon, but there are 2for1 days coming up on Monday and Tuesday. Big thumbs-up. Finished the night off with an alfresco beer in the courtyard of Reid Hall, just round the corner from the heaving Bristo Square and a lot more civilized. Seats!

Right, today headed out to Jupiter Artland for the event to promote the new Jeremy Deller artworks they're exhibiting. His show at the Hayward Gallery down in London last Spring was without doubt my cultural highlight of the year and he's right up there near the top of my own personal People I Massively Admire list. Steel Harmony, the Carribean steel band from Manchester that he's collaborated with in the past were doing a couple of sets this afternoon on the sun-splashed cafe lawn and we caught both of them. Really enjoyed the music, saw a couple of folk that I knew for a bit of a natter, had some coffee and great cake, all in all a pretty nice way to spend the afternoon.

I think that the highlight of the two sets was the medley of 'Love Will Tear Us Apart' and 'Ever Fallen In Love (With Someone You Shouldn't've)' but I'm going to finish with the original version of the song that they finished with.

Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance To The Radio

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