Colder than the Orange Turd’s Heart
It is frigging cold, if you will excuse my language, and I am not happy about it. I was also not happy about having to get up at 5:45am to take Ottawacker Jr. to the RA Centre for his weekly 7am kick-off. This time it was for the U14s match against Nepean Hotspurs. Got there on time, managed to warm up and then warm him up, and then stood around getting cold again while watching the game. And what a good game it was: OISC won 5-0 and Ottawacker had a very good, solid performance. Only really had to make two saves of note, but the second of which, where he came out of this goal Alisson-like to block a goal-bound shot, was very good.
Home via Ichiban for croissants and baguette. The baguettes still weren’t ready. What is the point of a bakery that opens before it is ready to sell bread (part 2,332)? Still, we had croissants and coffee, then I went up to watch a mime performance of the Liverpool game at Bournemouth (which was a brilliant match, with Liverpool winning 2-0, but which could have gone either way). It was somewhat spoiled by a penalty awarded to Liverpool, which didn’t look a penalty to me – but I’ll get over it. The whole match was a bit surreal – but I think I preferred it without sound (my laptop is still suffering from the latest Microsoft update bug). There was significantly less stress and, at one point, Mrs. Ottawacker called from downstairs to ask what I was doing.
“Watching the Liverpool game,” I said.
“Are you sure?” she asked.
“Of course,” I said. “Why?”
“You’re very quiet. Are they losing?”
It was true. I hadn’t called Jim Beglin a tosspot once, hadn’t screamed at the moronic commentator for gaslighting me, hadn’t shouted “eff off” at the screen once when being told the inevitable “best league in the worldTM” line. Of course, I missed the atmosphere from the ground – but maybe it is a small price to pay for not feeling my IQ dip by 20 points.
Post match, we had lunch, and then Mrs. Ottawacker drove Ottawacker Jr. to his afternoon practice, then brought him back in time for a shower so he could then go out to the movies with his cousin. He has a significantly better social life than I do. So while he was out watching Dog Man, Mrs. Ottawacker had a game of Scrabble, made dinner, and then settled down to fall asleep in our chairs. Ah! The simple joys of senescence.
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