My garden
I liked the way this geranium has encroached onto the succulent.
I decided to repeat my 15 minutes work in the garden, it’s amazing how much you can do with a deadline. Half an hour later I stopped. I lose track of time when I am outside.
5 in Wordle, Connections was too hard. It had 2 lots of 5 possibilities and I couldn’t quite work out what they wanted today. I’m still in the dark about 4 things even looking at the answer. Apparently 67% of people failed today. I was interested to hear how many people spend time doing puzzles (yesterday’s blip) and also knowing some can’t do sudoku.
I was going to say my cough has finally gone away. The GP said that virus caused coughs to linger for 6 weeks like mine. It was a metapneumovirus which mostly just causes a cold.
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