My cousin Richard was a healthy baby and toddler up to the age of three.
Not sure whether it was a reaction to vaccine or a genetic issue but he ended up living without speech or the ability to walk. Spent most of his time in a cot cared for by my Aunt and Nana. My Uncle worked and offered support when he was back in the house. They did this until Richard passed away when he was thirty years old. My admiration for Uncle, Aunt, Nana and Richard's brother remains undiminished. Only my cousin is still with us. During Richard's lifetime I can only remember two or three occasions where they accepted respite care. The rest of the time they all cared for him and we all tried our best to communicate with him when we visited.
One thing that he did enjoy was musical toys such as the one in the image. When I visited my Aunt with my Grandson some five years ago he was taken with this toy that had sat on the fireplace since her son Richard had passed away some thirty years ago.. My Aunt told him to take it and I was hesitant but she insisted saying the toy was a memory but the real memory that she held in her heart and head was of her son who was no longer suffering. I will treasure this and at some point ask my children to keep it safe in order that we keep that memory alive of all who were in Richard's life.
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