
By carliewired

77 F/25 C

Our daytime temps are
rising....soon we'll be back to 
T-shirt afternoons...


I decided before 8 AM that today was going to be a slugfest for me. I'm not adulting today at all. I'm remaining in my pajamas. I'm not even going to walk to the end of the driveway to check the mailbox. 

The neighbour across the street is on the second day of his yard sale. It is annoying no end. It gets my side neighbour riled and he begins to text me about what he's seeing. I have to wait to see what the County is willing to do about all this. I will contact them next week for an update. 

I finished my coffee, then took my camera out the back door to see what was available. I was pleased to see the mockingbird up in the orange tree. I had a quick look at my lantana and bougainvillea. I turned the photos into "Mosaic" effect on Fotor. 

I'm home. Settled in my recliner. It seems like the most pleasant option today. I'll turn the music up.

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