63 F/ 17 C

A day for quilting 
and a peek through my windows! 
I'm staying at home.


I slept until the garbage truck rattled by at 8:15. Then I was up to make my coffee . I opened my blinds to see a man climbing on to the roof across the street. 

The owner was checking the reliability of the roof repair. He brought up a garden hose to water the roof. In the other hand, he held his cell phone to his ear. He spent a considerable time spraying water everywhere. I was amused that the items left by the workmen on the old antennae were not removed. My photos were taken through my sunshaded windows and are anything but "crisp".  I've given them a treatment on tuxpi.com.

I'm back at my ongoing project - the quilt. We may see some rain today, so it's a good day to stay at home. 

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