Hares at Play
Little Man and I had a lovely quiet day at home. We had an another interrupted night, thanks to a leaking nappy and a toddler who needed a clean set of pyjamas. Thankfully we did manage to sleep in a bit. There was a thick mist when we got up but the sun's appearance quickly caused it to melt away quiet quickly. There was also a generous layer of frost on the grass and the plants, with ice on some of the water. It slowly melted as the day passed.
Little Man's Nannie and Granddad called this morning, which was lovely. They're going to be visiting us in 2½ weeks time for a few days during Debbie's half term holiday (they're going to be staying in a hotel in Woerden, rather than staying with us).
Caleb came round for a bit. He's been away this week for work and only got home last night. He was very tired and didn't stay long. Little Man was thrilled to see his uncle again and spent some time just sitting on his lap, watching car stuff.
I was drinking a coffee and happened to look out the window, when I saw these three hares dancing around in the corner of the field. It was lovely seeing them bouncing about. Hopefully, their appearance means that spring is on the way.
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