
By blipperdude

Roof Reflections

Work was long, busy and stressful today; not remotely fun, and I was very glad when the day was over. At least it’s the end of the week. My brain was fried when I got home, but luckily, I could settle into my cave with a nice cup of tea and de-frazzle for half an hour… then I was fit for human society again. The weather has turned again, and it’s cold and dry with thick grey clouds. As I left to drive home, I noticed the glowing signs reflecting on my car's roof, and something about the composition seemed to work.

We had a lovely Friday evening… Vanessa and Raff cooked toad in the hole, and Ed (V’s dad, not the cat) joined us for supper, which always guarantees a laugh and many stories. After that, we had a bit of an impromptu fashion show… our brother-in-law Andi is having a clear out of his extensive wardrobe, so we had a large pile of vintage designer labels in perfect condition for the boys to rummage through and see what they liked. Spoiler alert: they liked a lot…

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