I had hardly opened by little peepers this morning at 6:30am when my phone rang. Fearing the worst I picked it up to hear a familiar voice from Australia calling. It was a Stromness Selkie on the other side of the world visiting her son. Never have I had to switch on my brain so quickly but how good it was to hear her voice and know that things were going well with her and that she is hoping to back in Orkney shortly. What I didn’t realise till long after the call finished was that it was a video call- she never said she could only see the inside of my ear. You win some, you lose some.
Much later I met up on the tow path of the Union Canal with my Stromness Harbour swim companion from 2 years ago. An unlikely trysting spot you may think but it was all arranged because she was in Edinburgh visiting friends living along the canal towpath near Harrison Park. Although it had been an incredibly dull morning suddenly the sun came out and transformed the walk back to the Dower House. We lunched on pizzas with chilled white wine and never stopped speaking. It was such a lovely interlude in my Friday.
With Nancy safely on her way back along the canal I am about to go for my TGIF drinks with the neighbours. Can the day get any better? Absolutely not!
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