Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

France day 1

Diana sitting waiting to go down for dinner.

400 miles of driving and we are in Troyes, the first stop on our holiday go France. Dinner was taken at the B&B and as is tradition here in France, was a communal affair. There were ourselves, a family from Belgium and Patricia and a few friends/helpers from the village. Good food, good wine and good company. It is amazing how well a group of strangers can get along when thrown together. Left to our own devices we would have course stuck to our own little groups. Such a shame, and a lesson learned for the future - make an effort to mix. People don't bite (usually).

Highlight of the evening was the cheese course. 5 cheeses, all local and all very nice. It was a close run race but the smelly one whose name I cannot recall was the best.

37 degrees today but as we were in the car most of the time it didn't matter the air con kept us cool. Tomorrow promises to Bea bit cooler and then it gets very hot again. Hope the girls can take it. They were glowing at the dinner table :-)

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