
By TheOttawacker

If it’s Monday, there must be a garage visit

So, obviously, back to the dealership. This time it was the blow out on the highway and the subsequent towing to the garage by CAA. One new tyre was all we were on the hook for this time, but we also had the wheel alignment done and various other things… and as always, the bill was almost $500. Thankfully, the wheel rim was undamaged and, even more thankfully, Mrs. Ottawacker was completely unscathed, so in these cases, I don’t really mind paying. And, yes, I did say that through clenched teeth. The guy at Hyundai was quite apologetic about the bill and blamed the potholes – for which Ottawa is famous – saying they had had six cars in that morning with the same issue.
Really windy and cold today – minus 25ºC with the windchill. The poor bastards emptying our garbage are earning their money today. They still managed to leave the recycling containers in the middle of the street though; perhaps I should be generous and blame the wind?

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