A rather battered globe artichoke plant, which I'm hoping will come through the winter and produce tasty buds later in the year. Fingers crossed. The whole garden is looking bedraggled, though there are tiny buds and new shoots to be seen when you look closely.
Meanwhile our proposed new ambassador to the US has truly kissed the ring. It seems that the new US president has earned 'fresh respect' from him. This, the president who spoke only this week of 'cleaning out' Gaza by moving its whole Palestinian population out to other countries; the president who has embarked on sacking thousands of federal employees, putting all kinds of essential services at risk. The president who wants to 'buy' Greenland. And so on, and so on. I know we have to have some kind of diplomatic relations with the US. Some polite, neutral statements would have been bearable. But this? This is appeasement. Mandelson should be old enough by now to know where that leads. I must be recovering from the virus at last, I think, given that I've got the energy to rant :-)
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