Rock on, Luca

Monday with Luca - and with Richard still away, I knew it might be a very tiring day.
I needn't have worried. Sometimes Luca gets into a kind of groove, on his visits, and not just during his interludes on the drum kit. Today he led the way really, moving from one activity to another as the mood took him, taking me with him.  Rain poured down from a grey sky for most of the day, so I was relieved that he was happy to explore what the house has to offer.  He was looking a bit pale, in the wake of last week's gastric bug, with dark shadows under his eyes. So an easygoing day probably suited us both.
Some music - drums for a while, keyboard a little later; some time starting to build a little Brio model; some time making hot chocolate with me in the kitchen. A bit of imaginary play with the ride-on car and bus that we still have in a corner of the living-room, although they are really getting outgrown now. An energetic bout of hide and seek.  A couple of Facetime chats with Richard.  And when we both needed a rest, a few episodes of Bluey and Octonauts on the TV.
We drove back to Josh and Ruth's house about 3.30, playing some Elizabeth Mitchell tracks on Spotify in the car.  I've mentioned her in at least one previous blip, I think: this is high-quality music for children, with its heart firmly in the right place and not a patronising moment anywhere.  Today we played a 2010 album called 'Sunny Day'; this comes via Smithsonian Folkways, and features Levon Helm on drums on some tracks, as well as quite a few children singing with them.  In the rear view mirror I could see Luca pricking up his ears, following the lyrics and soaking up the lovely accompaniments. A treat.

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